Malformed header from CGI script: Number found where operator expected at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, near "301" (Missing operator before 301?) Bareword found where operator expected at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, near "301 Moved" (Missing operator before Moved?) Number found where operator expected at /nfinity/storage/ line 7, near "<H1>301" (Missing operator before 301?) Bareword found where operator expected at /nfinity/storage/ line 7, near "301 Moved" (Missing operator before Moved?) syntax error at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, near "<TITLE>301" Unknown regexp modifier "/H" at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/E" at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/A" at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/D" at /nfinity/storage/ line 4, at end of line Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at /nfinity/storage/ line 7.